
DraggiStickyNotes|噴火龍便利貼...你只需要一組噴火龍便條貼紙就能隨手紀錄又不容易遺忘,便條紙有方形的也有長方形的,共五種不同美麗的設計。,Stickynotesaresmallpiecesofpaperwithastripofglueonthebackandareaconvenientandeasywaytoleavenotesandreminders.Itisnotapermanent ...,StickyNotes3x3Inches,BrightColorsSelf-StickPads,EasytoPostforHome,Office,Notebook,82Sheets/pad·Mr.·HighlandStickyNotes,3x3Inches...

Draggi Sticky Notes|噴火龍便利貼

Draggi Sticky Notes|噴火龍便利貼 ... 你只需要一組噴火龍便條貼紙就能隨手紀錄又不容易遺忘,便條紙有方形的也有長方形的,共五種不同美麗的設計。

Post It & Sticky Notes, Yellow, Blue & Assorted Pads

Sticky notes are small pieces of paper with a strip of glue on the back and are a convenient and easy way to leave notes and reminders. It is not a permanent ...

Sticky Notes 3x3 Inches,Bright Colors Self-Stick Pads, Easy to Post for Home, Office, Notebook, 82 Sheets/pad · Mr. · Highland Sticky Notes, 3 x 3 Inches, ...


自黏便箋(英語:Sticky Notes)是Windows 7、Windows 8和Windows 10中內置的桌面便箋應用程式。該應用程式可以讓用戶通過電子便箋快速記筆記。

底座黏片Sticky Pad

「剪刀底座組」附上專為反正剪刀設計、極簡線條構成的剪刀底座,內嵌訂製強力磁鐵,讓平頭的反正剪刀隨手放都能站立,輕鬆展現你的優雅品味。剪刀底座可重複使用的黏片 ...


Sticky Notes 1.5x2 inch Bright Colors Self-Stick Pads 8 Pads/Pack 100 · (9 Pack) Lined Sticky Notes 4X6 in Post, 9 Pastel Colors Large Ruled.


2011年8月10日 — StickyPad is a free Windows software, that is part of the category Productivity software with subcategory Planners (more specifically Sticky ...

【桌面便利貼】StickyPad 便條紙小工具教學!透明、多功能

超好用的StickyPad 桌面便條紙軟體,設定通知提醒、透明化、字體大小,還有超多顏色的可愛桌面便利貼。雖然目前尚未有繁體中文版,但使用上超輕便、簡單好用的小工具~ ...


A small and lightweight sticky notes app for Windows. Great for older computers that didn't come with a note-taking app, StickyPad lets ...